Autumnal Light #12

16 Replies to “Autumnal Light #12”

    1. I wanted to focus a bit on seasons this year, so I had the flowers in spring, worn out in summer and now this 🙂 Not sure if I.m doing anything about winter, I’ll see. Good luck if you start a series of your own, your a-z posts were great.

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        1. Happy to trigger some nice a to z vibes 🙂
          I’m not sure about the winter series – on one hand, I had a brief one a couple of years ago, I don’t want it to be repetitive; on the other, I’ve also been contemplating a blogging break or at least a lull towards the end of the year, so we’ll see.

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          1. well in my view = do not worry about being repetitive – because there is a type of freshness that comes with rounds two and three – or can be
            also – new followers would enjoy it – and even regular followers tend to forget (crazy how this happens) – so don’t rule it out completely –
            and I know you know this – but go with your gut on any lull or any break.
            The biggest lesson I have learned is to not force the break – like I did not take the planned one last April and it turned out to be prime time for sharing about Lady book – and I still shake my head at how I almost forced a break there.
            and my current break – which I am easing to – and it is why I am still here plugging away comments with some of my favorite peeps – well I am easing into because it is that kind of break – not a cold turkey one – but a wind down and smear away – lol
            and with that said – wishing you a nice day my special friend

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            1. Good point about the new followers and the fact that we can’t remember all the posts we’ve read (or written 😀 ).
              About the blogging break/lull… I plan to let things follow their natural path, do what I feel at the moment. I will most likely slow down after the autumn series, but I still want to keep up with the blogs I follow. There are some changes on the horizon – some I’m looking forward to, others about which I have mixed feelings – and spare time will probably become an issue, so that also needs to be factored in and I need to prioritize 😉 . Just life 🙂

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      1. and in November – I am going to post about Albatross on my blog – and feel free to take anything from that post to use in any way.
        in the meantime – can you send me some info so I can provide a mini interview from the author –
        I like to keep them short (well the first one I did was with Jill recently – so my aim is to keep them short)
        and can you tell me three reasons why someone would benefit from or want to read albatross?
        and then send me any other info you want about the book (why you wrote it and maybe what your aim with the book was)

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          1. sounds perfect –
            and just a head’s up –
            some ideas I have for future “what to wear posts”
            dresses (general category and not the red dress theme)
            window outfits and the whole dressing manakins idea (something like that)
            and Christmas/holiday outfits – not sure how that will unfold –
            but please be thinking if you have anything on those topics.

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              1. sounds good my friend – and seeing the my blog “pause” is still really just getting started – I might not do much in November – as we both know it is okay to wing the blog stuff – 🙂
                hope you have a great rest of October

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