Spring Wonders #50


Spring is slowly but surely threatening to dissipate into summer, whether I like it or not… So perhaps it’s time to wrap up this seasonal photo series as well.


Has this spring brought you joy and peace or has it perhaps been too fraught for your taste? Did you manage to take in the beauty of nature’s revival or have life’s changes proven – perhaps once again – overwhelming? In my case, it has probably been all of the above. Joy and sorrow, nostalgia and awareness, peace and restlessness, present and past, joy and sorrow, change and consistency… But when is it not?


Before I get maudlin, a big thank you to all of you who have kept me company and found the time to glance at these spring images. Your presence and input are deeply appreciated. I hope the rest of the season is kind to you and you manage to make the best of it.


Spring Wonders


I have never seen such an abundance of snowdrops with my own eyes. To me, that’s the stuff of fairy tales, the way I imagined the woods to be, before I could see any of them in real life, when my grandfather read to me about princesses and their strange adventures. And what are these early days of spring, if not magical? You turn your head and everything blossoms in that instant you weren’t paying attention. In the blink of an eye, nature comes back to life, wild, unpredictable and astonishing. And if we’re really lucky, it can bring us back to life too, pulling us out of our jaded ways.


Continue reading “Spring Wonders”

Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy Women’s Day, ladies!

Never stop being the wonderfully unpredictable beauties that you are. Never forget your worth and never stop fighting for what you know you deserve.

Have a wonderful time celebrating yourselves and all those great women in your life!


Autumn Roses #35


It may not feel like it, but autumn is drawing to an end. If not the weather, at least all the Christmas decorations popping up on our streets as well as in our stores are an obvious reminder. As for the roses… they’re still here, clearly determined to hold on and infuse some joy in these otherwise dreary end of autumn days. I don’t think they’ll give up before the first frost. I hope you’ve enjoyed the colours, textures and their tranquil beauty.





A warm thank you to all of you, I appreciate the time you’ve taken to view the roses and share your thoughts. I hope you had a nice autumn. 







Don’t forget to be kind and stay safe, everyone!

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