This Spring…


The better part of this spring is already behind us and much as I would have liked to, I didn’t manage to write even one real post this season. I can’t say I don’t miss it… It wasn’t for lack of ideas, but for lack of time and energy. One must prioritize and real life comes first, together with its everyday challenges. So the best I could do – as far as blogging is concerned – was keep up with the Wordless Wednesday photo challenge.


Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that the less writing time one has, the more writing ideas one gets. We’ll just have to save those stories for another time. Anyway… I was mentioning real life. Among other things, I’m trying to make up for last year when we were in lockdown, and take in as much spring as I can, reminding myself not to take it for granted… to do my best to find time to smell those proverbial flowers, both literally and figuratively. While managing to also write about it might prove tricky, I’d like to share a few more photos that tell the story of this spring, at least in part… one of those nicer parts, which recharge and motivate a person.


I hope you’ll find them enjoyable. But more than anything, I hope you are all well, managing to cope with this ongoing pandemic; and if you didn’t have the chance to get vaccinated yet, fingers crossed that it’ll happen soon.

Stay safe, everyone!


Back In The Game

… the writing game, that is.

I know, I know, ‘tis the season, but I’m not the New Year’s resolutions kind of person, so this endeavour doesn’t fall under that category. As it happens, this January is simply a good time to start focusing on my writing again.

I’ve made plans for it in 2019. I’ve written an outline. I even have a title and a book cover in mind. I’ve already started to work on the project and paused over the holidays. But come January, I would start writing again, I told myself. I set a deadline for myself and I estimated how much and how often I could write, barring unexpected circumstances. Well, we all know we can always count on the unexpected to take place; and I don’t want to force myself into writing more than I feel I can handle or to dedicate all my spare time to it; but it’s good to have a plan, that works for me.

Continue reading “Back In The Game”

“Worn Out” Series

I had this blogging project in mind, the Worn Out series. As it unfolded, I was happy to notice that many of you were enjoying it and I am very grateful for your support and encouraging comments. Now the time has come to take a break from this photo series, I don’t want to overdo it. However, I plan on adding to it whenever I find fitting images, old places that speak to me, the way the ones I’ve shown have. Continue reading ““Worn Out” Series”

Angles Of Our Own Selves

Note: Not only did Ann-Christine’s topic for this week (Lens Artists Weekly Challenge – Angles) push me to write a new post, but it also reminded me of something I’ve posted a few years ago. Since it still resonates, I’ll share this once more. In case you’ve already read it, I apologize 🙂 .

A radical change in perspective is never easy. Altering that already instinctive angle – be it broad or narrow – from which we regard life is a challenge, to say the least. As a person with somewhat twisted values and ideas (in certain respects), yet who is so stubborn that she hardly ever changes her opinions, I am also aware of the ineffable necessity of never forgetting to keep an open mind, especially when having to reach various conclusions. That’s why I normally perceive the idea of changing my perspective as a positive endeavour.

Continue reading “Angles Of Our Own Selves”